Spiritscribing & the art of Fictional (Ghost) Writing

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Spirit doing some writing, a play on words with Spiritscribing

To continue in our series of working with book coaches and ghostwriters (very different things), we take a deep dive into something called Spiritscribing. We are excited to have Rich Rubio talk about this fascinating approach to ghostwriting.

Spiritscribing; it’s ghostwriting.

It’s the lesser-known dojo of the schools of writing (Email writing, copywriting, songwriting, underwriting, etc.), and yet one of the more powerful ones.

“Why would ghostwriting be that?” you may ask, and with good reason.

“What is ghostwriting? Is it horror? Are you referring to that early 90s show?” may be others you also posit.

Ghostwriting, or spiritscribing as called at Shogun Services, is the skilled art of wordsmithing compelling, majestic, persuasive, and powerful literature that others hire us to do for them. There’s an ever-growing amount of people who not only have access to more art forms across media and the internet nowadays that inspire others to take up a pen but want to create their own tales, characters, fantastic places, and or simply see something become their legacy across bound pages in a book.

Yes, in case you may not know; many people hire people like me to bring their ideas and creative dreams to life across pages and the Imaginarium of the mind.

“Why would others hire you to do it? Why not just do it themself?”

Another great question that I’ve heard come up often before.

You see, people have great ideas and compelling tales to tell that stay in their heads; the thing that stops them from coming to life in the pages is a big common denominator; they don’t know how to write it well. They will either make a few attempts to write something out, and scrap the drafts or have something rudimentary, but highly unpolished and disorganized. Sometimes, they may have the skill to do it but either lack the proper discipline, headspace, or time to begin.

This often leads to a clutter of the mind, and a subconscious load carry where these ideas swirl and storm about in the mindscape, yet have no tangible outlet to come to written form. From there, creative juices stay locked up for days, weeks, months, or even years, and cause many a would-be author to experience a depressing dissonance of ideas to action, or something worse; regret. A regret of so many stories untold that would eventually go to the grave with them.

Yes, this happens far more often than people realize, or are willing to admit. No one wants to be honest and say they never wrote something to final form because they lacked the skill, ability, or time to do it; yet, it all happens more than people realize. I know firsthand because these things in one form or another are the worries and desires that past and present clients have come to me with during conversations and calls. It is indeed a mental malady, a sickness of the soul that goes on in the world of writing more often than the world knows.

And that is where spiritscribes like myself come in.

Ghostwriters like me are the panacea to this problem. We are the guiding hands to lost tales and authors, bringing them from the dark despair of the unfinished unknown and back to the world of light and hope.

Speaking as the head and founder of my agency Shogun Services, I offer the ability to write, the systems in place to do it repeatably across the board to ensure an unmatched standard of creation and results, the magic to ensorcell readers into the pages and take them on a wild ride. And I can do it behind the scenes to make it seem like a would-be author was the one who did it all themselves.

That, my friends, is the true magic of being a spiritscribe.

Chapter by chapter, or section by section, we walk together as I take their ideas and go to work across the pages, spinning the world up and their desired story they want, how they want, spoken in the manner that they’d speak; this is a critical part in the process, as any effective ghostwriter needs to know how to write well, and do it in someone else’s voice. 

To be able to write someone else’s tale, speak in their voice, organize and write their ideas out, and turn the final creation over to them to run with. I walk with them every step of the way, chapter by chapter, word by word, and teach them the methodology of what and why I’m doing something with their idea, and weave it with an essence of the arcane to give that extra spark of life to the pages, and walk the journey with a client until the very end, which often is publishing. Then? I turn all things of their idea over to them, give them my warm parting sentiments, and disappear into the world again, a roaming spirit of the literary hand, ready to help someone else out of the dark.

Sounds magical and wondrous, yeah?

This very concept and process has been done for centuries, and happens more often than one realizes. While I have put the imaginative spin to this very process in a scene for you, there is a method to it all on paper of how I go about it in real life.

Each spiritscribe in the world has a genre, or genres they excel in. Some do romance well, others are nonfiction professionals, and yet others may be well-versed in the arena of modern fiction. My wheelhouse I’ve come to be known in is fantasy and sci-fi, though I’ve extended my offer to other genres as well.

As the premier of the fantasy and sci-fi world for ghostwriting, I’ve helped hundreds of clients put together anything from children’s books, to full novels, and even series, as well as worked with indie developers on game content, crypto devs on characters in their projects, and scripts and songs.

To give a better peek behind the curtains, I find people who need someone like me to write their tales and want them brought to life. (Though I must admit, they find me more often of late!) We talk and consult, then outline a rough form of how we’ll begin. Step by step, we lay the foundation out, then begin building their work of art. Chapter by chapter, or section by section, we walk together as I take their ideas and go to work across the pages, spinning the world up and their desired story they want, how they want, spoken in the manner that they’d speak; this is a critical part in the process, as any effective ghostwriter needs to know how to write well, and do it in someone else’s voice. This goes on in a loop of feedback and communication until we arrive at the end of the rough draft. From there, we review, and if all is satisfactory, I pass it on to my editing team, while I focus on creating a cover with the client. Once the edited side is back, we review the work, and if it is to their liking, the client and I begin the publishing process.

After that?

I turn the keys over to their final creation, bid my adieus, and depart like a spirit in the night, off to help another.

There’s more details and steps, but this is the creative process we do here at my agency, and one I continue to perfect over time.

I also have put this style of ghostwriting into a book called The Ronin Spiritscribe Scrolls which is a tool to help aspiring writers get started either fiction ghostwriting as well or begin their journey to put pen to paper. The book title was inspired by the title as a writer I’ve stepped into, the Ronin Spiritscribe; a masterless wandering samurai of the pages that battles the problems of others on their behalf and learns from a variety of new problems and mentors in my journey.

It is how I got my start; simply picking up my blade of the pen, and venturing into the world to seek battle and grow as a writer for myself and others. And as such, I continue such a hero’s journey to bring to life the ideas of others in written form.

The battles and projects have grown more numerous, and larger in scope – fortunately, so have my skills.

This is the way of a spiritscribe, and why it is so crucial that we exist; so that others may see their tales told.

You can find out more about Rich and Shogun Services on Twitter/X and on the web.

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