
A subscription to Word Weaver Pro is $5 a month, or you can save $10 with an annual subscription for $50.

Get a 30-day free trial when you sign up.

Your subscription (both trial and membership) provides the following features:

  • Unlimited and very secure online storage of all your materials. Get to your work anywhere there is an Internet connection (pretty much anywhere these days).
  • Unlimited support with a variety of way to contact us. We will help you as much as you need.
  • Unlimited exports to MS-WORD (DOCX) manuscripts.
  • 90-days of revisions are stored. You can look at every single change made (each time you save, a new revision is created) and revert to that version, or copy and paste parts you want to restore.
  • Immediate access to all improvements and bug fixes. New and cool features are released at least once a month.

There are no add-ons or premiums or anything like that. We have a lot of plans for future. These will not cost anything more.

Some features we are planning (these may not be released in the order they are listed):

  • Author websites with the ability to connect with fans (2025).
  • Sharable manuscript for beta readers and editors with commenting (2025).
  • Pre-populated outlines using popular outline structures (2025).
  • More export formats (PDF, ePUB etc.) (2026).
  • Screenplay formatting (2026).
  • iOS and Android apps (2026).

If you subscribe and later cancel your subscription, you will still have a minimum of 30 days to access and export all the content you have created after your subscription ends. We have no intention of ever keeping anyone’s content hostage.

If you have any problems with the billing, please use the Feedback form at the bottom of the page.

At no time do we store any credit card information in our system. All customer financial details are handled responsibly and securely by our certified payment provider.

Your Word Weaver Pro subscription is extended after every billing cycle. You can cancel your subscription at any time. If you do make changes to your subscription, please allow 24 hours for the changes to be reflected on your user profile page.

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The complete toolkit for writing your story.
Get your story from initial concept to manuscript
in the fastest and most flexible way.

Try Word Weaver Pro for free (No card required)