Quick Start

This tutorial provides a very brief set of instructions for you to try out the basic features of Word Weaver Pro quickly.

In Word Weaver Pro you build your work in components, writing and editing as you go.

Here is an outline of the steps in this tutorial:

  • Create a story or novel (Project)
  • In the Project, create your first Chapter
  • You can also add separate Scenes to allow you to outline and rearrange scenes.
  • At any time you can look at your story using the Reader view.

Each step is detailed below.

Create your Project

Create Project menu selection

Under the Create menu at the top, select Create Project.

Be sure to give it a title.

Create the first Chapter

Select the Add new Chapter button.

A Chapter is often a chapter or act, as well as a prologue or introduction. Be sure to give your Chapter a title.

Start writing some initial Chapter text

You can start typing in here. You can enter the entire Chapter this way, or you can break the Chapter down into Scenes. This is particularly useful for managing individual scenes.

Create new Scene

To manage individual scenes, you can use Scenes. This is recommended as it allows you to track changes to individual scenes and even rearrange them.

Select the Add new Scene button.

Start writing some Scene text

You can start typing in your scene or other Scene here.

You must give each Scene a name (this is what shows in your outline). However, you can suppress the title from showing when you preview or export your story. You also have the option of using a dinkus (* * *) to indicate to the reader a significant scene change.

IMPORTANT: Save your Project

At any time you can save your Project by selecting the save icon. It will save all the Chapters and Scenes you have added to it.

As you are working, each time you save an item, it makes a new revision you can always use to track, and revert, your changes.


Once you save your project, you will see those Chapters and Scenes displayed as an outline. You can keep going and add to them or edit them.

Review in Reader

Once you save your Project, you can use the Reader view to see the Project as it would look in a reading app.
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The complete toolkit for writing your story.
Get your story from initial concept to manuscript
in the fastest and most flexible way.

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